The conference will consist of keynote speakers, invited and contributed sessions and plenty of time for networking and collaboration. There are also scholarships available for students and those starting their careers.
Keynote Session
Speaker: Professor Jeff Wu, Georgia Institute of Technology
Keynote Session
Speaker: Professor Henry Wynn, London School of Economics
Banquet Session
Speaker: Professor Dennis K. J. Lin, Penn State University
Program Schedule
Program schedule updated on May 23, 2016
[gview file=”http://cos.iit.edu/2016-spring-research-conference/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2016/05/Schedule-05232016.pdf”]
Program Abstracts
Program abstracts updated on May 23, 2016
[gview file=”http://cos.iit.edu/2016-spring-research-conference/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2016/05/Abstracts-05232016.pdf”]
Committee Members
Program Committee
- Lulu Kang (IIT, Chair)
- Ryan Martin (UIC)
- Fred Hickernell (IIT)
- Sonja Petrović (IIT)
- Michael Zhu (Purdue)
- Frederick Phoa (Sinica, Taiwan)
Local Arrangements Committee
- Fred Hickernell (IIT, Chair)
- Lulu Kang (IIT)
- Sonja Petrović (IIT)